Monday, January 16, 2012

The Airplane

I just have to share about my last trip.  I just really sometimes feel like the luckiest person in the world, or maybe I just recognize when my Father romances me with HIS love.  We recently went to Miami on a free trip earned through a company we promote for, and of course we traveled via airplane.  Airplanes can be somewhat crowded and small and well you know, it takes all kinds right?  As my hubby ALWAYS has to have to window seat, it usually leaves me sitting next to a stranger.  This can also be good and maybe not so good.  This trip I was delighted to sit next to a gentleman whom was not only friendly but loved the Lord.  We has a lovely visit.  I feel kinda weird describing it as lovely but if I had to chose an adjective to describe it, Lovely is the most accurate. Our next flight I was seated next to a wonderful older woman whom mostly kept to herself but visited with me occasionally.  She was so nice and I can just image her in her youth as very spunky!  Our trip home didn't grant me such luck on the first leg as I was seated next to a gentleman that not only did he not speak english (actually he probably did but chose to converse with his family in his own language), he never once glanced my way as he hogged the arm rest and then fell asleep with his mouth wide open and snored so loud I had to put on headphones so I didn't have to listen and become ill!! Actually that too was a blessing in disguise because when I complained to my husband, he offered up his headphones and turned on some music and as we sat there on the flight, we shared the headphones and danced in our seats together.  I was however glad when that flight was over and I just prayed the next person I sat with on the next flight would be better.  So thankful that my prayers were answered and I was graced by this amazing young woman from New York whom I took an instant kinship too!!  We talked the whole flight home.  She was the around the same age as my oldest boys and the conversation flowed easy.  As I sit back and reflect today on who God placed next to me on the plane, I can't help but feel blessed, favored, lucky and romanced by these wonderful people I got to meet.  The joy the three of them brought me reminds me of just how awesome God is and how lovely we all are made in HIS image.


Ever had one of those experiences where all you can say is WOW?  LOVE IT when that happens!!  We just had an amazing weekend of WOW and I'm so glad to be home.  Our excitement grows and builds almost daily with the Visalus company and The 90 Day Challenge!!!  We are so thankful that someone cared enough about us to put before us this life changing opportunity.  Funny, I've of course heard stories about people who were in the right place at the right time and their life changed.  I know for certain and am so thankful that the Lord positioned us to be right where we needed to be when we needed to be there and brought this to us.  It's not a fluke or happenstance, it's a straight up calling and blessing in our life!  It is so much bigger than us and the vision that drives this company is huge!!  It is making us grow as servants, givers, leaders and doers.  I love the fact that they've kept it so simple, yet there is not a single thing about it that is ordinary or standard.  The design behind the vision of the company blows my mind yet it's pure simplicity that drives the engine.  We are on a mission to help as many people as we can regain their life, health and prosperity back, and in doing so we get ours!!  Hold on folks, we just got started!!

Shannon and I with one of the Co-Founders Ryan Blair -Best Selling Author of Nothing to Lose

You gotta check out this video!!

gotta go party!!

Friday, November 4, 2011

Thank you

I just have to say Thank you Lord for increasing my territory!! Your blessings overwhelm me. Just when I think my heart can not hold one more ounce of Love, you increase me!! Use me Lord, stretch me Lord, teach me, heal me, make me more like you!! I pray for the desires of your heart Lord, not mine!! May others always see your light through me. Though I am not worthy, I am chosen and so forever grateful for what you have done for me on my behalf!!

Saturday, October 8, 2011


Ever been stretched?  Not physically but emotionally, spiritually, mentally?  Not an easy or comfortable place to be.  My heart is full and overflowing with issues.  I've been here before and It's not the most comfortable place to be, actually its the exact opposite, uncomfortable.  It causes me to change, it challenges me to take a closer look at not only myself, but what is around me and how the decisions I've made are being played out in my life.  Reflection is it's middle name.  Preparation is the process.  What is to come with what lies ahead.  Before I can go forward, I am taken backward because I made a request.  A request that I knew would be painful yet necessary.  God, show me my heart.  Help me to see the areas of my heart that need corrected.
When you make a request like this of God in honesty, it will be granted.  Always you will be shown the ugly.  Not in the perspective of what the world sees or even loved ones close to you see, but what God cries over! These are things so deep that unless asked to be revealed you may never even realize they are there or even how much they hurt God.  He is faithful.  He loves us so much to show us HIS concerns, not our own, so that through HIM we can begin to understand truth in what's most important.
How do you explain to others your request, the revelation that is being revealed, and why you may not be in the happiest place at the moment?  Things that are being shown to you are not easy to see or digest, yet you know they are truth and this is where God has brought you to change you.  To speak or share with someone what you are going through takes a trust that is more than deep.  Truth causes problems, even ifs its your own truth revealed by God.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

God Talk

Love love love all the amazing people God is moving into my life!  I can honestly see His movement and placement of others into my world.  It is such a blessing to know that certain things are not just circumstance.  I find myself walking in expectation of what is to come!!  Last night was a turning point for me.  Or maybe you can even call it a tipping point.  I was sharing with one of my new friends that someone she had briefly met weeks before was coming to see us and that we would have time to visit and she got so excited and asked if we could have some God Talk!!  God Talk.......hmmm.......never really thought of fellowship as God Talk but that is exactly what nourishes us.  Fellowship in the Lord and sharing God's movement in our lives!!  We sat and visited with each other and shared our stories and the amazing thing is how they wove together like a tapestry.  That is the kinda stuff that blows me away!!  God touching three different families, using each family to bring something to the other to create HIS story in our lives.  This is only the beginning and I know that I know that I know that God is moving.  When you KNOW, your senses become more in tune to what is happening around you.  I pray always that I hear God's Whisper in my ear, in my heart, and even through others of  what He is telling me.  All for His glory.  Praying He uses me more fully to help those HE puts before me!!  Thank you Andi, Rob, Dairry, Elyssa and Shannon for the wonder God Talk last night!  Looking forward to much more that is to come.

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Focus on you

I don’t wanna do anything
That will not be pleasing unto you
I don’t wanna say anything
That will make you cry when you think of me
I wanna dwell with you in your secret place
Give you glory everyday
Honor you in all I do and say

Change my heart change my mind
I wanna be with you all the time
Whatever is wrong make it right
Draw me closer Lord
Change my heart change my mind
I wanna be with you all the time
Whatever is wrong make it right draw me closer Lord
Cos I just wanna focus on you

Lord I know that I’m not perfect
But I’m striving everyday
I won’t give up now, or give in oh
But I promise to be faithful till the end

I wanna dwell with you in your secret place
Give you glory everyday
Honour you in all I do and say

Change my heart change my mind
I wanna be with you all the time
Whatever is wrong make it right
Draw me closer Lord
Change my heart change my mind
I wanna be with you all the time
Whatever is wrong make it right
Draw me closer Lord
Cos I just wanna focus on you
Cos I just wanna focus on you

If it’s fasting that you want -Choir
I will turn my plate down now -Soloist
If its love that you need -Choir
I gotta give you my whole heart -Soloist
If its worship that you want -Choir
I will bow down upon my knees - Soloist
If it’s forgiveness you need -Choir
I will love my enemies -Soloist
I just wanna focus on you -Choir

Really wanna take this time
To focus on you
It’s all about you
Give you my attention
Focus on you
Repeat above - 8x
Cos I just wanna focus on you -5x

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Pushing and Shoving

OKAY ALREADY!!  I get it!! I'm going!! Ugggghhh!!!!  Why does it always have to be this way?  BECAUSE YOUR STUBBORN!!  I admit it.......I HATE CHANGE!  But change is what betters me.  But if it betters me, then why do I dislike it so much?  Because it takes me out of my comfort zone, my settle spot, my ME.

We can't ever do this with a gentle nudge.....ummm......let me rephrase that......."I" can't ever do this with a gentle nudge, it's gonna take a push and a shove...unfortunately.  That's okay, I'm grown, I'm strong, I can take it.  The hardest part of change is recognizing it in whatever form it appears to you and then to put it in it's proper position in your life and identify the direction it will take you.  That was a thought full wasn't it!! Ha!  Had to go back and read that one again.  I'm sticking with it, so I'll give you a few minutes to let it absorb.

K, moving on.....sometimes change comes to us from directions we weren't prepared for.  Don't like it when that happens, because then my guard is up and I fight.  I'm not afraid to fight.....just saying.  What really stinks is when I get out numbered!!  Unfortunately, sometimes it's necessary to call in the troops.  Why do I have to be this way?  I wish God had designed me to embrace change and flow with it. But He didn't.  This has served it's purpose both good and bad in my life.  I'm just thankful that He has put people in my life who know this about me and love me enough to allow me time and patience for change to take hold.

Not sure if I will ever embrace change.  But I am sure that I will never give up on attempting to become a better person, role model, disciple, friend, mother, wife, sister, and woman of God in all the HE desires for me to be.  So for now I remain uncomfortably comfortable.  For those who push me and shove me are ultimately those who LOVE me.