Wednesday, September 14, 2011

God Talk

Love love love all the amazing people God is moving into my life!  I can honestly see His movement and placement of others into my world.  It is such a blessing to know that certain things are not just circumstance.  I find myself walking in expectation of what is to come!!  Last night was a turning point for me.  Or maybe you can even call it a tipping point.  I was sharing with one of my new friends that someone she had briefly met weeks before was coming to see us and that we would have time to visit and she got so excited and asked if we could have some God Talk!!  God Talk.......hmmm.......never really thought of fellowship as God Talk but that is exactly what nourishes us.  Fellowship in the Lord and sharing God's movement in our lives!!  We sat and visited with each other and shared our stories and the amazing thing is how they wove together like a tapestry.  That is the kinda stuff that blows me away!!  God touching three different families, using each family to bring something to the other to create HIS story in our lives.  This is only the beginning and I know that I know that I know that God is moving.  When you KNOW, your senses become more in tune to what is happening around you.  I pray always that I hear God's Whisper in my ear, in my heart, and even through others of  what He is telling me.  All for His glory.  Praying He uses me more fully to help those HE puts before me!!  Thank you Andi, Rob, Dairry, Elyssa and Shannon for the wonder God Talk last night!  Looking forward to much more that is to come.