There are times that my heart just can not contain all my Thankfulness!! It overflows in the tears that roll down my checks for no other reason than if they remain inside I will burst. God is so good. I say this all the time. Not for any other reason than the truth can not be held inside. The light demands to be seen. I will not keep it hidden. When all you can say is WOW God, I never could of even imagined this for myself, but YOU had it there for me all along. His word says that if you seek ME with all your heart you will find ME. Looking back at all the mistake I made and all the times decisions were made without even a single thought of seeking Christ for my answer, just blowing through life, thinking I knew what I wanted, I see HIS mercy upon me. In every single bad decision I made, HE covered me and blessed me. He kept me from myself at times and oh how Thankful I am. Sometimes I sit and wonder just what HE had for me from the beginning had our relationship been formed all those years ago and how my life would of been different. I don't wonder very long except to express my sorrow and know that even though I walked in myself and did not seek HIS will back then, HIS mercy covered me and kept me for all the days HE has prepared for me now. How can a person NOT be thankful?
God had my partner for me and we bonded many many years ago in our youth and then parted ways, both of us going on in our own ways, both of us trying and failing in so many different areas of life. Searching for something we did not know. Amazing thing is, that just when we were both at the bottom crying out in two different lives, HE showed us one another again. It was like HE was saying, here is who I have for you, broken, beaten, and bruised, just as you are, but through this person MY WILL will begin to unfold in your life.

It hasn't been easy, as a matter of fact I have felt pain deeper than any other depths I even thought imaginable in God's anointed relationship and that's okay. It's a birthing process and there is always pain in childbirth. I've learned that sometimes you have to experience the depths of certain types of pain to be able to rejoice in certain types of joy and thankfulness. To be able to look back and see all I have been taught is different now and the tears will fall for now I recognize all the goodness that has followed me. I SEE HIM in my husband and I'm humbled by HIS grace upon my life, my marriage, my children, our life. God gave me an amazing man, a giving man, a caring man. He is not perfect, but he is everything God knew I would need. I watched him yesterday bless our niece and nephew with such a giving heart while knowing that his own heart was torn in another relationship that matters dearly to him, yet he never thought twice about sharing what God has given him. Blessed is the one who witnesses such acts of kindness through pain. Yes I'm thankful !! For while at times God's will is not easy, it is always PERFECT!!
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