Thursday, March 31, 2011
Oh that's explains it!!
Road Rage at 7:30am in the morning!! Really? Is your day that bad already!!! Geezzzz. Took my nephew to school this morning, since my idea to sleep in spread throughout our household somehow. Not a big deal at all. Made it there pleasantly avoiding all the traffic, dropped him off, headed home. Made it all the way to a stop sign and of course stopped for the line of traffic heading for that same intersection. Now keep in mind this is high school crossing here folks, and while most of the cars on coming were turning west, not all peeps at this age use their turn signals!! Do I dare cross the road full of oncoming cars assuming they are all turning!! Umm.....NO!! I've learned a long time ago what ASSUME really means, so I waited until the way was clear to cross the road. In the meantime I have a car behind me who doesn't know what ASSUME means and is honking at me to GO! I look into my rearview mirror and low and behold, whom do I see is honking at me and yelling with gestures to go but my EX!! Ha! Knowing that he didn't recognize me or my car I just couldn't resist to SIT there for just a little while longer to allow him to vent. Oh the little joys we take in our flesh. It probably wasn't the nicest thing in the world to do so please forgive me. ;~)
Tuesday, March 22, 2011
Is it really that difficult?

Friday, March 18, 2011
I take notes. Maybe it's because I don't trust my memory or maybe just because whatever is being said speaks to me and I want to be able to see it again. Occasionally I go back over notes I've taken and just read what spoke to me. I love how God speaks to me in my seasons. I can always go back and see the old message and often retrieve a new one. So Awesome!!
My notes on Ruth from TD Jakes "Woman Thou Art Loosed"
Need a hand up ~ not a hand out.
The hand is a symbol of power.
You are raising somebody's husband so put into them what you wish you had.
Ruth was born into a culture that was against her calling, yet she was called anyway!!
1. The Bursting Place
~ a place where truth and lies collide
~ a place where function & dysfunction co-habitate
Dark & Light together - this is where we live
New wine in an old place will burst
Truth causes problems
God sends lights into darkness
2. Identify (your) a sponsor
~you can't do this by yourself - God will put someone in your life to sponsor you
You can not free people when you are bound by the chain.
I'm willing to give up who I was so you can make me who I am.
Sponsor is either there or coming.
The top of Moab is the bottom of Bethleham
It's John who knows when your ready
It's Ruth who brings you out.
You can be sincere and be sincerely wrong.
You can not become what you do not understand.
3. Work you way out of the corner
~movement should be a process not an event
~you can't go further than you think
When you see excellence in another form, you enlarge your own
Something is about to be dropped ~ you catch it.
You will live off the droppings, their excess is your essence
4. Go to bed with a stranger
~Get intimately connected with a strange world you have been visiting~ Get intimate with GOD
~Become intimately involved with what you used to dream about
Make yourself avail. to opportunity and it will come to you.
5. There is always a Birth in a safe place.
~Birth in a healthy place.
**Alot of these notes may not make sense to others but if any of them penetrate you, allow them to bless you too. Amazing conference for women.
My notes on Ruth from TD Jakes "Woman Thou Art Loosed"
Need a hand up ~ not a hand out.
The hand is a symbol of power.
You are raising somebody's husband so put into them what you wish you had.
Ruth was born into a culture that was against her calling, yet she was called anyway!!
1. The Bursting Place
~ a place where truth and lies collide
~ a place where function & dysfunction co-habitate
Dark & Light together - this is where we live
New wine in an old place will burst
Truth causes problems
God sends lights into darkness
2. Identify (your) a sponsor
~you can't do this by yourself - God will put someone in your life to sponsor you
You can not free people when you are bound by the chain.
I'm willing to give up who I was so you can make me who I am.
Sponsor is either there or coming.
The top of Moab is the bottom of Bethleham
It's John who knows when your ready
It's Ruth who brings you out.
You can be sincere and be sincerely wrong.
You can not become what you do not understand.
3. Work you way out of the corner
~movement should be a process not an event
~you can't go further than you think
When you see excellence in another form, you enlarge your own
Something is about to be dropped ~ you catch it.
You will live off the droppings, their excess is your essence
4. Go to bed with a stranger
~Get intimately connected with a strange world you have been visiting~ Get intimate with GOD
~Become intimately involved with what you used to dream about
Make yourself avail. to opportunity and it will come to you.
5. There is always a Birth in a safe place.
~Birth in a healthy place.
**Alot of these notes may not make sense to others but if any of them penetrate you, allow them to bless you too. Amazing conference for women.
Wednesday, March 9, 2011
What do you invest in?

So thankful to have had an amazing season of investments!!! They have forever changed my life so I guess the answer to my question is maybe it's not the end that counts but the journey of blessings along the way. Bottom line....invest in yourself and others and there will always be a profit, if not for you, for them and that in itself is a gain!! Happy investing!!
Saturday, March 5, 2011
Burnt Bridges
Never a good thing in my opinion, but saying that, it is only just my opinion. Sometimes however, it seems impossible to walk over that bridge without burning it, especially if you are on fire!! So how do you keep it all under check and control and not set the blaze free when your seething? For me, it's called wisdom straight from my Father above. It's not easy at all but it's possible. I am currently crossing that bridge. I have every right to burn that baby down and reek havoc along the way. Or do I? Can my anger and actions be justified? Of course they can, we always have a way of doing that, wouldn't you say. Do I even NEED that bridge to cross back over ever? Probably not. Does the situation deserve my vengeance? Some say absolutely. Could I be held to blame in doing so? Most would not blame me at all, after all, they would. Hmmmm........when is it okay to dish out to someone what they deserve in your mind? NEVER. That's a hard one folks. I'm doing my absolute best to cross this bridge and the journey over it seems unending. Opportunities keep presenting themselves challenging me to light it on fire and not look back. I often feel like the other party involved challenges me to do so just so they can justify their harmful actions and lay blame at my feet. NOT GOING TO HAPPEN. Oh the high road is so very lonely, but it is one I will travel on this particular journey. I give my enemy no ammunition to toss my way. I pray for strength and patience. After all, it's only a bridge and on the other side something huge is waiting on me. My flesh battles daily with the situation and I struggle to keep it all in check. I'm almost over the bridge and so far through the help of my Father I have not lashed out and inflicted harm (which I know is in me). It's never fun to see the ugly in you and know what damage it could do if released. I know I will make it over and my enemy, though he may spew untruths regarding me and the situation, the truth can not be hidden for long and I will know in my heart that I did the right thing, not the worldly thing, but the right thing in the end. That I can sleep with peacefully.
Wednesday, March 2, 2011
Recall Notice
The Maker of all human beings (GOD) is recalling all units manufactured, regardless of make or year, due to a serious defect in the primary and central component of the heart.
This is due to a malfunction in the original prototype unit's code named Adam and Eve, resulting in the reproduction of the same defect in all subsequent units. This defect has been technically termed "Sub-sequential Internal Non-Morality," or more commonly known as S.I.N., as it is primarily expressed.
Some of the symptoms include:
1. Loss of direction
2. Foul vocal emissions
3. Amnesia of origin
4. Lack of peace and joy
5. Selfish or violent behavior
6. Depression or confusion in the mental component
7. Fearfulness
8. Idolatry
9. Rebellion
The Manufacturer, who is neither liable nor at fault for this defect, is providing factory-authorized repair and service free of charge to correct this defect.
The repair technician, JESUS, has most generously offered to bear the entire burden of the staggering cost of these repairs. There is no additional fee required.
The number to call for repair in all areas is: P-R-A-Y-E-R.
Once connected, please upload your burden of SIN through the REPENTANCE procedure. Next, download ATONEMENT from the repair technician, Jesus, into the heart component.
No matter how big or small the SIN defect is, Jesus will replace it with:
1. Love
2. Joy
3. Peace
4. Patience
5. Kindness
6. Goodness
7. Faithfulness
8. Gentleness
9. Self control Please see the operating manual, the B.I.B.L.E. (Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth) for further details on the use of these fixes.
WARNING: Continuing to operate the human-being unit without correction voids any manufacturer warranties, exposing the unit to dangers and problems too numerous to list and will result in the human unit being permanently impounded. For free emergency service, call onJesus.
DANGER: The human-being units not responding to this recall action will have to be scrapped in the furnace. The SIN defect will not be permitted to enter Heaven so as to prevent contamination of that facility. Thank you for your attention!
P.S. Please assist where possible by notifying others of this important recall notice, and you may contact the Father any time by 'Knee mail'!
reply with remove in subject/aol
**just had to share this!**
Steadfast Heart
I've dreamed many dreams that never came true.
I've seen them vanish at dawn.
But I've realized enough of my dreams, thank God,
To make me dream on.
I've prayed many prayers when no answer came,
Though I waited patient and long,
But answers have come to enough of my prayers
To make me keep praying on.
I've trusted many a friend that failed,
And left me to weep alone,
But I've found enough of my friends true blue,
To make me keep trusting on.
I've sown many seeds that fell by the way
For the birds to feed upon,
But I've held enough golden sheaves in my hands,
To make me keep sowing on.
I've drained the cup of disappointment and pain
And gone many days without song,
But I've sipped enough nectar from the roses of life
To make me want to live on.
~Source Unknown
I've seen them vanish at dawn.
But I've realized enough of my dreams, thank God,
To make me dream on.
I've prayed many prayers when no answer came,
Though I waited patient and long,
But answers have come to enough of my prayers
To make me keep praying on.
I've trusted many a friend that failed,
And left me to weep alone,
But I've found enough of my friends true blue,
To make me keep trusting on.
I've sown many seeds that fell by the way
For the birds to feed upon,
But I've held enough golden sheaves in my hands,
To make me keep sowing on.
I've drained the cup of disappointment and pain
And gone many days without song,
But I've sipped enough nectar from the roses of life
To make me want to live on.
~Source Unknown
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