Thursday, March 31, 2011

Oh that's explains it!!

Road Rage at 7:30am in the morning!! Really?  Is your day that bad already!!!  Geezzzz.  Took my nephew to school this morning, since my idea to sleep in spread throughout our household somehow.  Not a big deal at all.  Made it there pleasantly avoiding all the traffic, dropped him off, headed home.  Made it all the way to a stop sign and of course stopped for the line of traffic heading for that same intersection.  Now keep in mind this is high school crossing here folks, and while most of the cars on coming were turning west, not all peeps at this age use their turn signals!!  Do I dare cross the road full of oncoming cars assuming they are all turning!!  Umm.....NO!!  I've learned a long time ago what ASSUME really means, so I waited until the way was clear to cross the road.  In the meantime I have a car behind me who doesn't know what ASSUME means and is honking at me to GO!  I look into my rearview mirror and low and behold, whom do I see is honking at me and yelling with gestures to go but my EX!!  Ha!  Knowing that he didn't recognize me or my car I just couldn't resist to SIT there for just a little while longer to allow him to vent.  Oh the little joys we take in our flesh.  It probably wasn't the nicest thing in the world to do so please forgive me.  ;~)

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