Let's FLY |
Crossroads. We all encounter them. They are the points in our lives where decisions are made and changes occur. Some crossroads we dictate (or are allowed to dictate through free will), others are dictated for us. I love saying that control is only an illusion because in the blink of an eye, control can be gone. Some crossroads are more obvious than others, some hold more significance than others yet all play such an important role in our lives. I'm so thankful for all I have been allowed to encounter, push through, suffer with, lose, and grow with. It has formed me and molded me into who I am today. Sometimes when I look back on my life, I'm just flat out floored at where I've been, where I came from, what I've come through, and that I'm still here. Not that I was a wild child or lived with reckless abandonment, but I'm wise enough to look back at some of the choices I made and crossroads I encountered, and realize that the hand of God is on my life. Even the smallest thing like not falling asleep at the wheel on a long trip when I was exhausted are indications to me that my purpose is not yet fulfilled. It seems to me that when you struggle in life to scratch out your place, if and when you find something that provides some of what your seeking, you become comfortable. It's so easy to remain in the comfort zone. You like it there. You've gone through the scary and now your safe. What a great place to be, experience and survive. But can you live there? forever? and truly live? For me, I think not and now I know why, at least I know my why. Crossroads mean change and for me that's difficult. I love my comfort zone. I'm confident in my zone, people like me in my zone, I control my zone. Ahh....there's that illusion again. Some of us get the opportunity to leave our comfort zone on our own terms, if we dare, while others are forced out of their zone. I would love to say that I chose to leave my comfort zone all on my own because I'm just that brave. ummm NOT. Nor was I forced (by circumstances) to leave it either. I guess you could say that I outgrew my comfort zone. I have a purpose and my purpose was not within my zone so I have been moved beyond it. Scary? Somewhat but so peaceful as well. I am learning that my comfort zone gave me a safe place to grow and mature and now I'm truly learning who I am and what I am capable of. So exciting, fulfilling and peaceful. Where is my zone now? I have no idea to be honest and I kinda like it that way. No walls defining me. So if you ask me where I am......I can honestly say, Outside the comfort zone and it's such a great place to be and now I truly feel alive!!
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