Yeah, like everyone wants to hear what I have to say!! Of course you just don't know it yet!! ha! Hey, it's okay, sometimes I don't even want to hear what I have to say!! Yet still I speak. I am woman, hear me. Notice I didn't say, I am woman hear me roar. With age comes wisdom and I am now wise enough to know that while a ROAR may get attention, it's the sweet whispers that gain listeners. So let me sweetly whisper in your ear so that you will hear me. :) I'm just another one of God's amazingly beautiful women whom he designed to be in relationship. Relationship means to relate, so yes, we talk!! It's okay and I fully embrace it and of course I give all you women out there that same grace to speak. After all, we do it so well. ;-)
I'm excited!! So excited!! Wow, what an amazing season I am walking in! Looking what a huge storm I walked through to get here!! Yeah, unfortunately, they usually go hand in hand. Isn't it interesting the seasons of our lives? Hmmm.......I dwell on that thought often. Sit in amazement.
Anyway...trying not to get all deep here, I'm excited for the Holidays. Thanksgiving is actually my Favorite holiday. It embodies everything a Holiday should. Thankfulness, Family, Friends, Fellowship, and Food!! Some things about me you may not know.....I don't really enjoy cooking, but I've totally convinced my family that when begged enough, I can do it and they love it!! All good moms know how to do this. So they are convinced I can actually cook and that's it good! he he However, I do LOVE to bake, but rarely do it anymore. :( Back to seasons.....remember that nesting season? The one where you just loved totally being a mom, and cooking and baking and taxi driving and living totally for your kids and for those of you blessed enough to have anything left at the end of the day....your husbands? Those were my baking years and I sooo miss them! Shhh....don't tell my kids I'm no longer in that season!! I work hard to convince them it's all about them.! :) I feel like maybe God is getting ready to move me into a nesting phase again!! OH MY!! There go my THIGHS!! While I've gained strength in so many areas of my life, the "Just Say NO" to my amazing chocolate chip pecan cookies has weekend with age!! I find every justification to say to self: "It's okay to eat more than have a gym downstairs and you can go workout!!......don't worry, you can always do a shakeology clense next week and lose 8 pounds!!......if I eat them till there gone, i won't have to worry about them anymore!! Speak up now!! Don't leave me hanging here!! Like I'm the only one out here in cyber space with all my justifications!! It's okay.....I'll be alright. I've got a coach that will kick my butt right on out of that nesting season that's sooooo calling my name!! My excitement remains for my Favorite holiday. And yeah......I WILL WORKOUT!! I WILL HOLD MYSELF ACCOUNTABLE!! the day after!! he he!!