Who am I and what am I doing here??? A good friend of mine suggested that I start blogging! Okay, okay, okay, she has suggested this many times actually and I'm just now listening. Grrrr......Not because I'm some amazing writer or anything but because I guess I'm ready to step outside of the box and try something new. So if you've linked to me via facebook, you probably already know me or are in some way related to me. If you've linked to me via twitter, well then, Hello.....nice to finally meet you!!
So why am I here? What do I do with this thing? *me pondering* Well I guess I"m here to create a brand. A brand you will want to read and follow and interact with. Meet new people, network opportunities, learn new things, and become part of the social media movement. After all......everyone says social media is where it's at....so I guess I'm here to give it a try and get me some too!! :) So what brand will I create? Well only the BEST ONE POSSIBLE for me of course. That would be a brand called ME!! After all, I've cornered the market on me, no one else has it but me, no one else can market me but ME!! So....with that being said, hang on because those of you who just thought you knew ME, are going to be amazed and confused!! he he, just kidding....maybe.....you never know what will come out when the finger do the talking!!
So..come join me on my journey to the top!! (if you dare) I've always heard there's plenty of room up there, so your all welcome to join me. I'll even give you a hand if you ask. ;-)
LaDonna, Congrats on your new blog, looks like it will be your time life or lifetime as you won't have time for anything else in life! Ha!!! Will try to follow and debate where necessary or where i can create controversary!!!
Yes, LaDonna, I too, am a Daughter of the Most High God. You and I have very similar ways of speaking and thinking. My time to voice them has not yet come.
Would not change my Jesus Freak Status for Nothing!!!!
God's Best to You, Sistah
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