So, I just finished Redeeming Love and I honestly couldn't put it down. One of the most absolutely moving passionate love stories I've ever read. It was the epilogue though that got me. Most people remember when they got saved. I do to. For some it's a life changing experience and for others, they don't feel any different at all. I recall, I was excited & happy. I was young, about 5th grade. I'm not really sure I knew exactly what I was doing or why. The author of this books talks about "growing into her salvation". THAT'S ME!! I've always been a believer for as long as I can remember. I was raised that way thanks to my grandparents. But I didn't truly understand what that meant for many many many years. It's taken me so long to get to know God and I know that I will forever remain on that journey for as long as I live. So maybe it's better stated, learning to walk in relationship with him. Sometimes it is a winding road and sometimes it's just hills and valleys. Knowing about a Savior and knowing your Savior are entirely different things. I feel like becoming a christian was a process for me..........I grew into it. It didn't just happen, a seed was planted and took many years to grow. I'm so thankful I have a patient Father, one who loves me just as I am. I'm saved for eternity, but what is especially wonderful is knowing that while I'm here on this earth I will never walk alone and every single day is another opportunity for my relationship to deepen and grow and an opportunity for me to show HIS light to others through my life, my choices and my love.
So......I didn't just get saved, but I've grown into my salvation and what a blessing that has been.
ONE of the BEST books I've ever read.
Friday, December 31, 2010
Tuesday, December 28, 2010
Does anyone else feel FAT?
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Get out of my gym boys!! Time to get my workout on!! |
I think I'm gonna start with a Shakeology Cleanse! Last time I lost 8 pounds in three days. I love Shakeology. It's so yummy and I never feel hungry, actually, it's tough drinking the three shakes a day required during the 3 days of the cleanse. Then it's back to the gym (my own of course because right now, I'm sure the Y's are packed out to the max). I will start slow, maybe with some old school Turbo Jam and work my way into the fire!! The calorie burning fire that is!! Time to reboot, recharge and get er done!!
I know I'm not alone in this battle, so hit me up if your ready to make some changes. Everyone needs a support system and cheerleader!!
Thursday, December 23, 2010
How can anything that hurt so much, turn out to be so good? Well, that's how God works. While He did not create the hurt or pain, He most definitely will use it for the good. 2010 will be a year I will NEVER forget. It took me to places I never imagined, both good and bad. Lot's of people put their business out there for everyone to see, however, I've always felt that one should not air their dirty laundry because there really isn't a market for it. There are those who love to just watch others in pain and follow them to see what they are gonna do. No real concern for them, just onlookers and busybodies. Only my most intimate friends are ever let into my pain, trials or low times. Those I trust. For me 2010 was a year of perspective. God chose to use some very painful circumstances to show me His position in my life was misplaced. It hurt deeply. He took me to a point where I had no choice but to put HIM in proper position in my life. And how amazing that experience was. While the pain was overwhelming at the time, the very moment the position shifted, the weight of the world came off my shoulders and my whole life changed. I guess what I'm trying to say is that even though this year brought me to the overwhelming pain threshold of my heart, God seized the opportunity to do something for me that changed my life and has allowed me to know HIM in such an intimate way that the Joy it has brought to me has actually surmounted the pain. Rest and Peace and a knowledge of the depth of HIS love has freed me in ways I never understood before. I share this because I know that I put people off with my Joy in the Lord. I'm not a perfect person or even a perfect Christian, but when I share my faith with others, it is because I know personally what the Lord can do and what Joy if can fill you with. I can't help but share. It's like impossible for me not to tell. I don't apologize. Because if you knew what I know, you would do the same!! Not a single doubt in my mind. My heart breaks for those who don't know the Savior or the depths at which he loves them. I'm thankful for my trials, my storms, my roller coaster. I know now that God will use every single valley I walk through for HIS Glory, for my teaching, to rebuke me and correct me so that I can know HIM better. He truly is an amazing Father. His loving gentle hand knows exactly what you need, when you need it and how to move you in the right direction. So....while yes, Jesus is the reason for the season, I'm here to declare from my heart that Jesus is the reason for EVERY SEASON in your life. He will never leave or forsake you!! This I KNOW.
Friday, December 17, 2010
His Sufficiency
I AM TEACHING YOU THE SECRET OF BEING CONTENT IN ANY AND EVERY SITUATION. This secret is all about ME - who I am and what I offer you. I am your Creator and King, your Savior and Shepherd. I offer you Myself in all My Power and Glory. I am the only One who can empower you to find contentment in all circumstances.
I have promised to supply all your need according to My riches in Glory. The greater your need, the more I invite you into the mysterious depths of My Being. Intimacy with Me gives you strength; it also fills you with transcendent Joy.
Some of My followers are comfortable with being in need but struggle with having plenty. When I supply abundantly, they feel unworthy - even guilty. How this grieves Me! Imagine a wealthy parent giving a desired expensive gift to his beloved child. The expected response would be pleasure and gratitude. If instead the child felt unworthy of this extravagant gift, the generous parent would feel deeply disappointed and hurt. That is how I feel when My children balk at receiving abundance from Me. My infinite riches and generous Love. Do not expect to understand My ways with you. Remember that My ways and thoughts are higher than yours-as the heavens are higher than the earth.
Taken from Jesus Lives by Sarah Young
Crazy how God has an answer for everything. I was just debating this dilemma with a family member the other day. It seems to me when you walk with Christ your riches take on a different meaning. It becomes more about abundance in grace and mercy and goodness rather than material items. That often makes it difficult to take pleasure in material abundance because we KNOW we are not worthy. However, our Father loves giving us gifts of ALL kinds, including material items. After all his wealth is beyond our understanding. Learning to accept these gifts with gratitude and enjoyment is his desire for us. We will do good to remember these things.
Isaiah 55:8-9
I have promised to supply all your need according to My riches in Glory. The greater your need, the more I invite you into the mysterious depths of My Being. Intimacy with Me gives you strength; it also fills you with transcendent Joy.
Some of My followers are comfortable with being in need but struggle with having plenty. When I supply abundantly, they feel unworthy - even guilty. How this grieves Me! Imagine a wealthy parent giving a desired expensive gift to his beloved child. The expected response would be pleasure and gratitude. If instead the child felt unworthy of this extravagant gift, the generous parent would feel deeply disappointed and hurt. That is how I feel when My children balk at receiving abundance from Me. My infinite riches and generous Love. Do not expect to understand My ways with you. Remember that My ways and thoughts are higher than yours-as the heavens are higher than the earth.
Taken from Jesus Lives by Sarah Young
Crazy how God has an answer for everything. I was just debating this dilemma with a family member the other day. It seems to me when you walk with Christ your riches take on a different meaning. It becomes more about abundance in grace and mercy and goodness rather than material items. That often makes it difficult to take pleasure in material abundance because we KNOW we are not worthy. However, our Father loves giving us gifts of ALL kinds, including material items. After all his wealth is beyond our understanding. Learning to accept these gifts with gratitude and enjoyment is his desire for us. We will do good to remember these things.
Isaiah 55:8-9
Monday, December 6, 2010
Oh me, Oh my!!
Can I just say that's it's been YEARS since I've been in a Denny's restaurant. And even more year since I've been in one later than 8pm!! So Yeah, we are on the road this weekend to a swim meet, two actually and we encounter some minor problems. Okay, so they were major problems but we weren't totally down for the count. Our headlights went out!! Yeppers, nothing like trying to drive a huge truck in the dark with no lights. Actually we could have headlights if we held in the blinker signal and switched them to high beam. So that took some really mastery driving on our behalf. Ever tried to drive a huge truck, in KC, holding your lights on with your blinker switches? Forget signaling, it was dark!! Back to Denny's, anyway, we needed dinner and since out hotel was next to Dennys and we had no head lights to drive default, we ended up eating at Denny's between 9 and 10 pm. The place was almost empty. So empty in fact they had to make my coffee fresh, thank goodness......anyway, three people walk in the door. Two guys and a woman. A woman with a wig to beat all wigs. It was coal jet black and long and tosseled and there was no denying it was a wig. I wondered out loud about how much that wig cost. Yes, that wasn't a nice thing to wonder but hey, i'm being honest here. Anyway, they get seated a booth away from us behind me and for the first time Lori and Tina get to check out the wig. So....sitting there eating and all of a sudden Lori and Tina crack up laughing so much I thought food would come out there noses!! I'm like, what, WHAT< WHAT!!! They were laughing so hard they couldn't tell me why!! I patiently waited for them to calm down.....about 10 minutes later!! Then Tina proceeded to show me what they were laughing at because I couldn't just turn around!! She scratched her head to one side and let me know that this woman had scratched her head from top the side and the whole wig moved!! Back and forth! Back and forth! I can't even imagine the sight that was, because just seeing the wig on straight was enough to crack you up. Anyway....stay away from Dennys after 8pm. Or prepare yourself for what you might see. It takes all kinds I guess. Oh yeah!! And stay away from LaQuintas that are near truck stops!! Not good!!
Thursday, December 2, 2010
Wondering where the other sock goes?
Ugggg!!!!! No matter how hard I try, my dryer eats socks!!! Now I know I'm not the only one out there whose dryers eat socks too!! I'm convinced it's the staple of their diet. I put two in and only one comes out!! Really? So....this doesn't happen every time because believe me, I Stand Guard over my socks, but the moment I put my guard down, poof! there one goes!! So.....Where do they go? Please post your theories as to the disappearance of socks in the dryer. I would love to have some answers!!
Thought for the day
Visitation or Habitation?
The Lord's desire is not a visitation; rather, He seeks a habitation.
I will dwell in them
And walk among them.
I will be their God,
And they shall be My people (2 Cor. 6:16 nkjv)
Are you a visitor or do you reside in habitation?
Are you there or are you present?
The Lord's desire is not a visitation; rather, He seeks a habitation.
I will dwell in them
And walk among them.
I will be their God,
And they shall be My people (2 Cor. 6:16 nkjv)
Are you a visitor or do you reside in habitation?
Are you there or are you present?
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
God is moving
Have you ever known "something" but not know what it is ? There is something in the atmosphere. Something different but you can't put your finger on it? people are brought into your life from random places. Things just seem to ebb and flow differently all around you. Opportunities come forward and your like, really? are you serious? Or you find yourself saying things like never in a million years would I have imagined this. Or your comfort zone gets shook. You don't quite understand why what used to be okay is not really okay anymore. God is not a God of confusion but I believe that when he moves it will cause you to seek him for understanding and direction even more. God is moving. I know it, I feel it, I don't understand it but I'm excited!! What does he have for me? What does he have for us? How will he stretch us this time, what will he ask of us, where will he place us? How will he make the old new? Not really spending a ton of time wondering, just knowing and waiting and listening and praying for discernment. Excited!! Because whatever he brings us to, he will bring us through. Maybe we are going to need our seat belts for this one!! :-) Only God knows!!
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