Get out of my gym boys!! Time to get my workout on!! | |
UUUGGGHHH!! Why does this always happen??? Your doing good, moving right along, on track and then WHAM!! the freight train hits you!! Like a ton of brick fudge!! You tell yourself, this year will be different. I will not eat the cookies!! I will exercise every day (which of course in my mind gives me permission to sample, I mean come on, I worked out, I deserve a taste, right?) and I will stay on track. HA!! So exactly when do the wheels fall off the bus? Is it Thanksgiving or Christmas........wait, just when your mind is ready to jump on the treadmill again.... BAM!! New YEARS comes!! Followed by the Superbowl, Followed by Valentines!! I'm sure there is a birthday, anniversary thrown in there too for good measure. Grrrr.......I'm convinced that only the strong survive this, and it totally stinks that I'm not one of them!! I tried, I really tried, but then fell ill. Nothing worse than feeling ill during the Holidays. But hmm......not too ill not to eat goodies!! Only the lucky ones get the stomach flu during the Holidays!! Ha! Just kidding but there is truth in the mix somewhere, you know it. So what to do what to do????
I think I'm gonna start with a Shakeology Cleanse! Last time I lost 8 pounds in three days. I love Shakeology. It's so yummy and I never feel hungry, actually, it's tough drinking the three shakes a day required during the 3 days of the cleanse. Then it's back to the gym (my own of course because right now, I'm sure the Y's are packed out to the max). I will start slow, maybe with some old school Turbo Jam and work my way into the fire!! The calorie burning fire that is!! Time to reboot, recharge and get er done!!
I know I'm not alone in this battle, so hit me up if your ready to make some changes. Everyone needs a support system and cheerleader!!
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