Wednesday, December 1, 2010

God is moving

Have you ever known "something" but not know what it is ?  There is something in the atmosphere.  Something different but you can't put your finger on it? people are brought into your life from random places.  Things just seem to ebb and flow differently all around you.  Opportunities come forward and your like, really?  are you serious?  Or you find yourself saying things like never in a million years would I have imagined this.  Or your comfort zone gets shook.  You don't quite understand why what used to be okay is not really okay anymore.  God is not a God of confusion but I believe that when he moves it will cause you to seek him for understanding and direction even more.  God is moving.  I know it, I feel it, I don't understand it but I'm excited!!  What does he have for me?  What does he have for us? How will he stretch us this time, what will he ask of us, where will he place us?  How will he make the old new?  Not really spending a ton of time wondering, just knowing and waiting and listening and praying for discernment. Excited!!  Because whatever he brings us to, he will bring us through.  Maybe we are going to need our seat belts for this one!! :-)  Only God knows!!

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